We have changed the way shipping costs are calculated and are now using carrier rates based on weight and destination with flat rates still available on most orders.
We offer fabrics in quarter yard increments.
Fat quarter cuts at no additional cost!
Berry Season
Bees Sage
$11.00 / yard
Daydreaming Ocean
$11.20 / yard
Bees Eggshell - 15" x 44"
Butterflies Aqua
Art Journal
Art Journal Butterflies Light Grey
$12.80 / yard
Ladybugs White
Butterflies Sand
Ladybugs Pink
What’s Buzzing Cream
$11.60 / yard
Bees Natural
$15.40 / yard
Darling Little Dickens
Bumble Cloud
$10.80 / yard
Ladybugs Coral
Ladybugs Yellow Canvas
Ladybugs Red Canvas
What’s Buzzing Blue
Bug Stripe Green
$13.60 / yard
Tiny Beasts
Painted Ladies Glow
$12.40 / yard
Lucky Day
Ladybug Luck Cream
Lucky Ladybug
$15.00 / yard
Winged Teal
Daydreaming Taupe
Butterfly Pickle
Bees Eggshell - FAT QUARTER
Scaredy Cats
Web of Spiders
$12.20 / yard
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