To celebrate the holiday, we're re-sharing...
some mindless but practical sewing.

My house is old. Like over a century old. And with all that charm and character comes drafty windows.
I sat down at my machine one night and started sewing random scraps together that had been left on the sewing table.. Not long after - ta da! One draft-stop snake was complete. A big improvement over rolled up dish towels I'd say!
I didn't over think what pieces I was picking up so this went together quickly. I trimmed it down to 6 1/2" x the length of my window + 1/2" and backed with a matching sized rectangle of muslin for lining. I folded in half right-sides-together lengthwise and stitched all around, leaving a few inches gap in a short end.
Turn, fill, stitch the gap closed, and done. For the filling I used crushed walnut shells, but any small scale fill with a bit of weight would work. Rice, beans, buckwheat.
Googly-eyes optional.